know thyself

“ Knowing others is intelligence;

Knowing yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength;

mastering yourself is true power.”

~ lao tzu


The Mysteries 


were timeless rites celebrated throughout Europe and Asia during antiquity, in which participants accessed their own divine nature through direct perception.  The word mystery originates from the Greek verb “muein” which means to close one´s eyes, a subtle inference to the path of the initiate, which is lit through faith and courage in oneself.  

These secret and ecstatic mystical experiences, celebrated during thousands of years,
sought to assist individuals in the remembrance of our divine origins. 

The Mysteries form a significant part of humanity´s collective inheritance of perennial wisdom through which the classical arts and sciences that we still study emerged.


A Mystery School 

is a chosen group of initiates dedicated to preserving, protecting and perpetuating the Mystery teachings.  Schools have existed throughout the world since antiquity until present day, always maintaining a similar dynamic that involves a living transmission of wisdom from master to disciple.  This living transmission is embodied through the practices, rites, ceremonies, rituals and initiations inherent to each school and constitutes the key to humanity´s understanding of its true nature and place in the cosmos.


A Field School 


is an experiential and educational immersion that takes place on location somewhere relevant to the material being studied. 

It is an opportunity to gather first hand research  through practical hands-on fieldwork in a specific area of study.


A pilgrimage 

implies a search or journey of great spiritual significance.  It can take an external or internal form although typically it involves traveling to a specific destination which has profound importance to one´s personal cosmology. 

Making pilgrimage is an odyssey which has deep and lasting implications on the life story of the individual who is courageous enough to undertake it.


Mystery Field School 

encompasses time-tested practices, teachings and initiations derived from the ancient Mysteries themselves, on location at specific times of year in various sacred portals on the Earth. 

There are 8 fundamental elements inherent to the Mystery Field School template, which vary depending on the specifics of the each program. 

All who thirst to know themselves deeper are invited to inquire about participation.


of the mystery field school
